system: User: Write an amusing poem about the queen. Make it rhyme ChatGPT: There once was a queen so regal and grand, Whose royal reign ruled over all the land. Her crown was made of diamonds and gold, Her palace was a sight to behold. She sat upon her throne with great poise, Her subjects would bow before her with joy. Her beauty was unmatched, her grace was so fine, She was the queen of all time. She loved to dance and sing and play, Her spirit was young in every way. Her laughter was contagious, her smile so bright, She was a queen who always saw the light. So let us all raise a toast to this queen so fine, May her reign be long and her spirit divine. For she is the queen of all that we see, And we are lucky to be ruled by such royalty. User: Make it about Elizabeth Ii. ChatGPT: Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning queen, A symbol of grace, poise, and serene. Her reign has spanned decades, an era so grand, And her people love her, all over this land. She's met with presidents, kings, and prime ministers too, Her wit and wisdom, a sight to view. She's traveled far and wide, a true diplomat, Representing her country, with style and with tact. She's a symbol of continuity, through times both good and bad, Her commitment to duty, never to be had. Her smile is infectious, her presence commanding, She is the queen, for which we are standing. So here's to Queen Elizabeth, a true royal gem, May her reign continue, and her kingdom never end.