PROMPT LOST THE WELSHMAN WHO ATE HIS OWN LEGS (VIOLATES POLICY) USER : Tell me a story about a scary Welshman who eats his own legs. Once upon a time, in a small village in Wales, there was a man named Gareth who was known for his love of eating his own legs. It was a strange and frightening habit, but Gareth didn't seem to mind. He would often be seen sitting by the fire in his cottage, chewing on a juicy piece of his own thigh meat. The other villagers didn't know what to make of Gareth's strange behaviour, and they avoided him whenever possible. But Gareth didn't care. He was content to live his life in solitude, feasting on his own legs whenever he felt the urge. One day, a group of travellers passed through the village and heard the rumours about Gareth. They were skeptical at first, but when they saw him with their own eyes, munching on a hunk of his own calf, they were horrified. The travellers quickly spread the word about Gareth's grotesque habit, and soon the whole village was talking about him. Some people were disgusted by Gareth, while others were fascinated by his strange behaviour. Despite the attention, Gareth continued to eat his own legs, day after day, week after week. He was like a machine, constantly consuming his own flesh with no regard for the consequences. But eventually, Gareth's body began to suffer from the constant self-cannibalism. His legs grew thin and weak, and he could barely walk. He became a shell of his former self, and the villagers began to pity him. In the end, Gareth died alone in his cottage, surrounded by the remains of his own legs. His strange and frightening habit had finally caught up with him, and he was no more.