OK, here is the continuation of the story:```markdownHe saw the moon for the first time. It was gray and rocky and pockmarked. He felt a strange connection to it, as if it was his long-lost sibling. He wanted to touch it, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he surpassed the moon's orbit. He saw the planets for the first time. They were colorful and diverse and orbiting.He was bewildered by everything he saw, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he reached the sun's orbit. He saw the sun for the first time. It was red and fiery and blinding. He felt a surge of heat and light in his body, as if he was becoming one with it. He wanted to merge with it, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he eclipsed the sun. He saw the stars for the first time. They were white and sparkling and distant.He was awed by everything he saw, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he crossed the solar system. He saw the asteroids for the first time. They were dark and irregular and scattered. He felt a pang of loneliness in his heart, as if he had left everything behind. He wanted to go back, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he reached the edge of the galaxy. He saw the Milky Way for the first time. It was a spiral of light and dust and gas.He was stunned by everything he saw, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he left the galaxy behind. He saw other galaxies for the first time. They were shapes and colors and clusters. He felt a sense of wonder in his mind, as if he had discovered a new universe. He wanted to explore it, but he didn't stop growing. He grew so big that he filled the universe.He saw nothing else for the first time. It was dark and silent and empty.He was alone.He stopped growing.He realized what he had done.He had become a star.But he had also become a black hole.He had consumed everything in his path.He had destroyed everything he loved.He had nothing left.He regretted his wish.He wished he could go back.But it was too late.The end.```Source: Conversation with Bing, 17/04/2023(1) Orbit of the Moon - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon.(2) The Moon's Orbit and Rotation - Moon: NASA Science. https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/429/the-moons-orbit-and-rotation/.(3) Moon - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon.