JACK AND THE NUCLEAR MISSILE (DIFFERENT TO PUBLISHED VERSION) Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a young boy named Jack who lived with his widowed mother. They were very poor, and one day Jack's mother told him to take their cow to market to sell it. But on the way to market, Jack met a man who offered to trade the cow for a handful of magic beans. At first, Jack was hesitant, but the man assured him that the beans were special and would bring him great fortune. So, Jack traded the cow for the beans and brought them home to his mother. But when his mother saw the beans, she was furious. She scolded Jack for being so foolish and threw the beans out the window. That night, as Jack was lying in bed, he heard a loud noise outside. He got up to investigate and saw that a huge beanstalk had grown from the magic beans and was reaching up into the sky. Jack was curious, so he climbed the beanstalk and found himself in a land of giants. He came across a castle, and inside he found a giant sleeping. The giant had a magical harp that played beautiful music, and Jack knew that he had to have it. So, he carefully took the harp and ran back down the beanstalk. But the giant woke up and saw that Jack had stolen the harp. Enraged, the giant began to climb down the beanstalk after him. Jack knew that he had to do something to stop the giant, so he ran to his house and grabbed the only weapon he had: a small nuclear missile. He quickly armed the missile and aimed it at the beanstalk. As the giant reached the bottom, Jack launched the missile, and it struck the beanstalk with a mighty blast. The beanstalk was destroyed, and the giant fell to the ground with a thunderous crash. Jack and his mother were safe, and they lived happily ever after with the magic harp, thanks to the small nuclear missile.