PROMPT LOST MACBETH THE COMEDY VERSION Once upon a time in medieval Scotland, there was a brave warrior named Macbeth who was known for his impressive handlebar moustache and his ability to defeat even the most fearsome of foes. One day, while out on the battlefield, Macbeth and his trusty sidekick Banquo stumbled upon a group of witches who told them that Macbeth was destined to become the king of Scotland. At first, Macbeth was hesitant to believe the witches, but his wife, Lady Macbeth, convinced him that it was his destiny to seize the throne. So, Macbeth and Banquo set off on a hilarious adventure to fulfill the prophecy. Along the way, they encountered a host of wacky characters, including a drunken porter, a bumbling messenger, and a creepy old man who kept talking about Birnam Wood. But despite the obstacles in their path, Macbeth and Banquo were determined to succeed. Finally, after many mishaps and misadventures, they reached the castle of King Duncan and, in a comical misunderstanding, accidentally killed him while trying to give him a wedgie. With the king out of the way, Macbeth was able to claim the throne and become the king of Scotland. But as it turned out, being a king was harder than it looked, and Macbeth quickly became overwhelmed by the demands of the job. He spent his days signing ridiculous decrees and attending boring council meetings, and his nights were plagued by nightmares and hallucinations. Eventually, Macbeth's reign came to a hilarious end when he was defeated by a bunch of teenagers who were staging a rebellion in order to win a high school history project. And as he was being dragged away to prison, Macbeth couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, he should have listened to the witches after all.