PROMPT LOST MORGOTH AND THE THREE BEARS Morgoth was a mighty and evil being who ruled over Middle-earth during the time of the Elder Days. He was a master of dark magic and was feared by all who lived under his shadow. One day, Morgoth came upon a small cottage in the forest where the three bears lived. The bears were a family of father, mother, and baby bear who lived happily together in their cozy home. Morgoth was filled with jealousy and envy when he saw how happy and content the three bears were, for he knew that he could never experience such happiness. So, he decided to use his dark magic to cast a spell on the three bears. The spell transformed the father bear into a fierce and vicious monster, the mother bear into a sly and cunning witch, and the baby bear into a mischievous and trickster. The once happy and loving family was now a fearsome and dangerous force. The three bears roamed the forest, causing havoc and terror wherever they went. They attacked travellers and animals alike, and no one was safe from their wrath. But despite their newfound power, the three bears were still unhappy and miserable, for the spell that Morgoth had cast could not change their hearts. They longed for the simple and peaceful life that they had once had. In the end, the three bears were overcome by their own sorrow and regret, and they begged Morgoth to release them from his spell. Morgoth, seeing the futility of his actions, relented and lifted the spell, restoring the three bears to their former selves. The three bears were overjoyed to be reunited and returned to their happy home in the forest, where they lived happily ever after. And Morgoth, realizing the error of his ways, vowed to never again use his dark magic to bring misery to others. ALTERNATIVE ENDING In the end, the three bears were hunted down by the brave and noble warriors of Middle-earth who had banded together to rid the land of their menace. The three bears were killed, and their spirits were condemned to roam the land as ghosts, forever tormented by their own actions and the evil spell that Morgoth had cast upon them. Morgoth, triumphant in his victory over the three bears, continued to rule over Middle-earth with an iron fist, bringing misery and suffering to all who lived under his shadow. And the once happy and peaceful forest was left barren and desolate, a testament to the darkness that had once ruled over it.