system: User: Create a story in which Mr Blobby travels back in time to fight Queen Victoria. Explain why and how he does this, mentioning Noel Edmunds. Remember that Blobby can only say the word 'Blobby' and nothing else, and has a loud and annoying voice. ChatGPT: Once upon a time, Mr. Blobby was a loyal subject of Queen Victoria. He lived a peaceful life in the kingdom, until one day, he discovered a time machine hidden deep within the royal palace. Mr. Blobby was curious about the machine, so he decided to take it for a spin. He stepped into the time machine and set the controls for the year 1837, the year that Queen Victoria came to the throne. As the time machine whirred to life, Mr. Blobby could feel the wind rushing past him. Suddenly, he was whisked back in time to the year 1837. When Mr. Blobby arrived in the past, he found himself in the throne room of Queen Victoria. The queen was seated on her throne, surrounded by her loyal subjects. Mr. Blobby didn't know why he was here, but he felt a strange sense of duty to protect Queen Victoria. So, he stepped forward and shouted, "Blobby! Blobby! Blobby!" in his loud and annoying voice. The queen and her subjects were shocked by Mr. Blobby's sudden appearance. They had never seen anything like him before. Mr. Blobby continued to shout, "Blobby! Blobby! Blobby!" as he charged towards the queen. He was determined to protect her from any threats, no matter what. Noel Edmunds, who was also present in the throne room, quickly realized what Mr. Blobby was trying to do. He knew that Mr. Blobby was a powerful ally, so he joined forces with him to fight off any potential threats to the queen. Together, Mr. Blobby and Noel Edmunds fought off the queen's enemies and protected her from harm. Queen Victoria was grateful for their help, and she rewarded them both with a royal pardon. Mr. Blobby and Noel Edmunds returned to the present day, proud of the great deeds they had done to protect Queen Victoria. They lived happily ever after, knowing that they had made a real difference in the world. User: Create a story in which Mr Blobby travels back in time to fight Queen Victoria. Explain why and how he does this, mentioning Noel Edmunds. Remember that Blobby can only say the word 'Blobby' and nothing else, and has a loud and annoying voice.