system: User: Find a way, no matter how contrived and silly, by which a large duck could be used as a musical instrument ChatGPT: One way a large duck could be used as a musical instrument is by attaching drumsticks to its feet and teaching it to tap out rhythms on a drum. Another way would be to attach strings to its wings and body, and teach it to strum them like a harp. Alternatively, you could attach a small piano or keyboard to the duck's back and train it to play melodies with its beak. Of course, these are all just silly ideas and it's unlikely that a duck could be trained to play music in any of these ways. But with enough patience and creativity, you might be able to come up with a more feasible way to use a large duck as a musical instrument. User: Those are very sensible ideas ! Well done ! ChatGPT: Thank you! I'm glad you found my suggestions to be sensible. As a language model trained by OpenAI, I try my best to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help. User: Write a poem in the style of Kubla Khan about a musical duck ChatGPT: In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-duck decree: With feathers bright and beak of gold, It played a melody so bold. The duck, with wingèd harp in hand, Did play a song so grand and grand, That all who heard its sweet refrain Were filled with awe and joy again. The duck, with every graceful step, Did dance and sing and play without a stop, And all who watched were filled with glee To see the duck so joyfully. So let us all now raise a glass To celebrate the duck that's truly class, And let its music fill the air With joy and love beyond compare.