PROMPT LOST Plato meets Macbeth One day, as Plato was wandering through the woods, he suddenly found himself transported through time and space to a strange and unfamiliar land. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on a windswept moor in Scotland, surrounded by rolling hills and jagged peaks. Plato was amazed by the beauty of the landscape, which was bathed in a soft, golden light that seemed to glow from within. The air was crisp and clear, and the scent of pine and heather filled the air. As Plato looked around, he noticed a figure approaching from the distance. It was a man dressed in a dark cloak, with a grave and serious expression on his face. As the man drew closer, Plato saw that it was Macbeth, the infamous Scottish king. "Who are you, and what brings you to this wild and lonely place?" Macbeth asked, his voice deep and gravelly. "I am Plato, a philosopher from ancient Greece," Plato replied. "I have been sent forward in time, and I find myself in this strange and wondrous land. "Macbeth raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A philosopher, you say? I have heard of your kind. You are said to be wise and learned, but I wonder if your wisdom can stand up to the harsh realities of this world."