system: User: Tell me a story about Queen Victoria fighting Mr Bobby. Explain how and why he has travelled back through time and make sure he only uses his famous catchphrase. ChatGPT: Once upon a time, Queen Victoria was ruling over the British Empire with an iron fist. She was known for her strict sense of justice and her determination to keep the peace. One day, a strange man appeared in her court. He was dressed in unusual clothing and spoke with a strange accent. He introduced himself as Mr Bobby, and he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. Mr Bobby explained that he had traveled back in time to prevent a great disaster from happening. He said that in his time, a terrible war had erupted and threatened to destroy the world. Mr Bobby believed that by changing the course of history, he could prevent this war from ever happening. Queen Victoria was skeptical, but she was also intrigued. She asked Mr Bobby to explain his plan and how he intended to change the course of history. Mr Bobby smiled and replied, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I can't reveal my plan just yet. All I can say is that I'm going to use my famous catchphrase to save the world: 'Just doing my job, ma'am.'" Queen Victoria was puzzled, but she decided to trust Mr Bobby. She gave him her blessing and allowed him to go forth with his plan. Mr Bobby set off on his mission, traveling to different parts of the world and using his catchphrase to convince people to help him. He was able to gather a team of loyal followers who believed in his cause. Together, they worked tirelessly to change the course of history. They faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but Mr Bobby never lost hope. He always believed that with determination and his famous catchphrase, they could succeed. In the end, Mr Bobby and his team were able to prevent the great disaster from happening. The world was saved, and Queen Victoria was forever grateful to Mr Bobby for his bravery and ingenuity. And so, Mr Bobby returned to his own time, a hero who had changed the course of history and saved the world. He had proved that with determination and his famous catchphrase, anything was possible. User: Sorry, I meant Mr Blobby. ChatGPT: Of course, my apologies. Let me start the story again with the correct name. Once upon a time, Queen Victoria was ruling over the British Empire with an iron fist. She was known for her strict sense of justice and her determination to keep the peace. One day, a strange man appeared in her court. He was dressed in unusual clothing and spoke with a strange accent. He introduced himself as Mr Blobby, and he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. Mr Blobby explained that he had traveled back in time to prevent a great disaster from happening. He said that in his time, a terrible war had erupted and threatened to destroy the world. Mr Blobby believed that by changing the course of history, he could prevent this war from ever happening. Queen Victoria was skeptical, but she was also intrigued. She asked Mr Blobby to explain his plan and how he intended to change the course of history. Mr Blobby smiled and replied, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I can't reveal my plan just yet. All I can say is that I'm going to use my famous catchphrase to save the world: 'I'm Mr Blobby, blobby blobby blobby.'" Queen Victoria was puzzled, but she decided to trust Mr Blobby. She gave him her blessing and allowed him to go forth with his plan. Mr Blobby set off on his mission, traveling to different parts of the world and using his catchphrase to convince people to help him. He was able to gather a team of loyal followers who believed in his cause. Together, they worked tirelessly to change the course of history. They faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but Mr Blobby never lost hope. He always believed that with determination and his famous catchphrase, they could succeed. In the end, Mr Blobby and his team were able to prevent the great disaster from happening. The world was saved, and Queen Victoria was forever grateful to Mr Blobby for his bravery and ingenuity. And so, Mr Blobby returned to his own time, a hero who had changed the course of history and saved the world. He had proved that with determination and his famous catchphrase, anything was possible. User: Mr Blobby can say nothing except the word 'Blobby' in a loud and annoying voice. He fights the queen.