PROMPT LOST Rambo and Santa INT. RAMBO'S CABIN - DAY : Rambo is sitting at a table, cleaning his weapons. He is wearing a red Santa hat. There is a knock at the door. Rambo gets up and answers it. SANTA CLAUS stands outside, his sleigh parked behind him. SANTA CLAUS: Hello, Rambo. I need your help. RAMBO:(surprised) Santa? What are you doing here? SANTA CLAUS:I have a problem. Some of my elves have gone missing. I think they've been kidnapped. RAMBO:(determined) I'll help you find them. INT. SANTA'S WORKSHOP - DAY : Rambo and Santa enter the workshop. It is a chaotic scene, with elves running around frantically. SANTA CLAUS:(to an elf) What happened here? ELF: We were packing up the toys when a group of burglars broke in and took some of the elves hostage. They demanded a ransom for their release. RAMBO:(to Santa) We have to go after them. Do you have any leads on where they might have taken the elves? SANTA CLAUS:I have a good idea where they might be. There's an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. I think that's where they're holding them. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY : Rambo and Santa sneak into the warehouse. They see the burglars holding the elves at gunpoint. RAMBO:(whispering to Santa) I'll take out the guards. You rescue the elves. Santa nods and sneaks over to the elves while Rambo takes out the guards with his stealth and combat skills. Once all the burglars are subdued, Santa frees the elves and they all escape back to the workshop. INT. SANTA'S WORKSHOP - DAY : Santa, Rambo, and the elves are celebrating their victory. SANTA CLAUS:(to Rambo) Thank you for your help, Rambo. You saved Christmas. RAMBO:(smiling) It was my pleasure, Santa. Merry Christmas. Santa and the elves load up the sleigh and take off into the night, spreading joy and cheer to all the good boys and girls. Rambo watches them go, a satisfied look on his face. He picks up his Santa hat and puts it on, ready to enjoy the holiday. FADE TO BLACK. USER : Include a detailed description of the battle between Rambo and the burglars. Make it very violent and have Rambo swear a lot. INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - DAY : Rambo and Santa sneak up on the burglars, who are holding the elves at gunpoint. Rambo signals to Santa to rescue the elves while he takes out the guards. Rambo silently takes out his knife and sneaks up behind one of the guards. With a swift motion, he slices the guard's throat and moves on to the next one. The burglars hear the commotion and turn around, drawing their guns. Rambo dodges their bullets and takes them out with precise shots from his bow and arrows. As the burglars fall to the ground, Rambo storms towards the remaining guard and grabs him by the collar. RAMBO:(enraged) Where are the rest of the elves? GUARD:(terrified) I don't know! Please, don't kill me! RAMBO:(swearing) Tell me where they are or I'll gut you like a fish! The guard breaks down and tells Rambo where the other elves are being held. Rambo releases him and goes to rescue the other elves. As he fights his way through the warehouse, he takes out the remaining burglars with a combination of hand-to-hand combat and weapons. He swears and growls as he delivers brutal blows, fueled by his determination to save the elves and bring justice to the burglars. Finally, he reaches the room where the other elves are being held and frees them. Together, they all escape back to the workshop. INT. SANTA'S WORKSHOP - DAY : Santa, Rambo, and the elves are celebrating their victory. The workshop is in disarray, with broken furniture and bodies scattered on the floor. RAMBO:(breathing heavily) That was a hell of a fight. SANTA CLAUS:(grateful) Thank you, Rambo. You saved Christmas. RAMBO:(smirking) No problem, Santa. It's what I do. Santa and the elves load up the sleigh and take off into the night, spreading joy and cheer to all the good boys and girls. Rambo watches them go, a satisfied look on his face. He picks up his Santa hat and puts it on, ready to enjoy the holiday. FADE TO BLACK.