system: User: Explain rocket science in the style of William Shakespeare. ChatGPT: Oh brave and wondrous science, that doth propel A fiery vessel to the heavens high, With engines strong, and fuel so pure and swell, To pierce the very depths of yonder sky! The force that drives this craft, from earth it springs, A power born of wit and ingenuity, Whose mighty thrust with thunderous roar it sings, And lifts the craft with boundless elasticity. The knowledge of the stars, with skill and care, Is harnessed to this enterprise of flight, For man hath longed to reach beyond the air, And touch the stars, with all his heart's delight. With each ascent, we learn a little more, Of what it takes to soar above the land, And from the heavens, we gain a greater score, Of understanding that doth expand. So let us praise this noble art of flight, And all the wonders that it doth unfurl, For it is through rocket science, day and night, That we may reach the very edge of our world!