system: User: Can you generate me an SQL query for the SDSS ? ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's an example SQL query for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) that selects information about galaxies: ``` SELECT TOP 100 p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.petrorad_r, p.petroMag_r, s.z, s.zErr, s.specClass FROM PhotoObj AS p JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid WHERE p.type = 3 AND s.class = 'GALAXY' ORDER BY p.objID ASC ``` This query selects the top 100 objects in the database that are classified as galaxies (`s.class = 'GALAXY'`) and have a `type` of 3 in the `PhotoObj` table, which corresponds to extended objects. It retrieves various properties of each galaxy, including its coordinates (`ra` and `dec`), petrosian radius (`petrorad_r`), petrosian magnitude (`petroMag_r`), redshift (`z`) and associated error (`zErr`), and spectral class (`specClass`). The `JOIN` statement links the `PhotoObj` and `SpecObj` tables using the `objID` column, and the results are ordered by `objID` in ascending order. User: Could you modify the query to find all galaxies with measured redshifts, in a rectangular box measuring 10 degrees in RA, 2 degrees in Dec, centred on the galaxy M49 ? ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's an updated SQL query that should do what you're asking for: ``` SELECT p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.petrorad_r, p.petroMag_r, s.z, s.zErr, s.specClass FROM PhotoObj AS p JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid WHERE p.type = 3 AND s.class = 'GALAXY' AND p.ra BETWEEN 186.52 AND 196.52 AND p.dec BETWEEN 7.41 AND 9.41 AND s.z IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.objID ASC ``` This query selects all galaxies (`s.class = 'GALAXY'`) in the rectangular box that measures 10 degrees in RA and 2 degrees in Dec and is centred on the galaxy M49 (RA = 188.036, Dec = 8.000). The `p.ra` and `p.dec` columns are used to define the rectangular box, with the range of RA values being between 186.52 and 196.52 (10 degrees centered on M49's RA) and the range of Dec values being between 7.41 and 9.41 (2 degrees centered on M49's Dec). The `s.z IS NOT NULL` condition ensures that only galaxies with measured redshifts are selected. The other columns selected are the same as in the previous query. The results are ordered by `objID` in ascending order. Note that you can modify the RA and Dec ranges to adjust the size and position of the rectangular box as needed. User: Thank you so much ! The SDSS returns, "SQL returned the following error: Arithmetic overflow occurred." ChatGPT: I'm sorry to hear that you received an error message. This error message can occur when the numerical values being used in the SQL query are too large or too small to be stored in the database. One possible cause of the error could be that the RA and Dec values used in the query are in degrees, but the SDSS database uses radians. To fix this, you can convert the RA and Dec values to radians in the query, like this: ``` SELECT p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.petrorad_r, p.petroMag_r, s.z, s.zErr, s.specClass FROM PhotoObj AS p JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid WHERE p.type = 3 AND s.class = 'GALAXY' AND p.ra BETWEEN RADIANS(186.52) AND RADIANS(196.52) AND p.dec BETWEEN RADIANS(7.41) AND RADIANS(9.41) AND s.z IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.objID ASC ``` Here, the `RADIANS()` function is used to convert the RA and Dec values to radians before they are compared to the database values. This should prevent the arithmetic overflow error from occurring. If you continue to experience problems with this query or any other SQL queries for the SDSS, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue. User: I'm afraid that still gives the same error message. ChatGPT: I apologize for the continued issues. Another possible solution is to cast the RA and Dec values to `float` data types, like this: ``` SELECT p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.petrorad_r, p.petroMag_r, s.z, s.zErr, s.specClass FROM PhotoObj AS p JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid WHERE p.type = 3 AND s.class = 'GALAXY' AND CAST(p.ra AS float) BETWEEN 186.52 AND 196.52 AND CAST(p.dec AS float) BETWEEN 7.41 AND 9.41 AND s.z IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.objID ASC ``` This should allow the RA and Dec values to be properly compared to the database values without causing an arithmetic overflow error. If this still doesn't work, it's possible that there may be some other issue with the query or with the database itself. In that case, it may be helpful to contact the SDSS support team for assistance.