PROMPT LOST A Space X Christmas Carol One cold winter's night, Elon Musk sat in his office at SpaceX, counting his profits and grumbling about the holiday season. He had always despised Christmas and all the cheer and good will that came with it. As he sat at his desk, he was suddenly visited by the ghost of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. The ghost showed Elon visions of his past, present, and future, hoping to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. In the first vision, Elon saw himself as a young man, full of ambition and drive, but also greed and selfishness. He had always put his own interests above those of others, and it had made him wealthy, but also lonely and unhappy. He saw himself building his empire at Tesla and Neuralink, but also ignoring the needs of his employees and the impact of his businesses on the environment. The ghost then showed Elon a vision of the present, where he saw his employees at SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink working long hours, barely able to make ends meet, while he lived in luxury with his eccentric girlfriend, who was known for her strange fashion choices and bizarre personality. He realized that he had become a modern-day Scrooge, caring only about his own wealth and success. Finally, the ghost showed Elon a vision of the future, where he saw himself old and alone, with no one to share his wealth or his life. He realized that he had wasted his life chasing money and power, and that he had missed out on all the joy and happiness that Christmas could bring. Overwhelmed by these visions, Elon broke down in tears and vowed to change his ways. He began to focus on being a better person and helping those around him, including his girlfriend and their strangely named son. He also made efforts to improve the working conditions of his employees at SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink, including offering them better pay and benefits, and promising them all a free ride on a spaceship. Soon he was filled with the true spirit of Christmas. As the ghost vanished, Elon realized that it was never too late to change, and that the true meaning of Christmas was love, compassion, and generosity. He spent the rest of his days spreading joy and good will to all those around him, and became known as a true embodiment of the holiday spirit.