system: User: Tell a story about Margret Thatcher and the three bears. Make the bears left wing. ChatGPT: Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a great leader named Margaret Thatcher. She was known for her strong leadership and conservative policies, which often put her at odds with the left-wing politicians in her country. One day, Margaret Thatcher decided to take a stroll through the forest to clear her head and think about some of the challenges facing her government. As she was walking, she came upon a small cottage belonging to the three bears. The three bears were known throughout the forest as strong advocates for left-wing policies and social justice. They were always speaking out against Margaret Thatcher and her conservative government, which they felt was unfair and unjust. Margaret Thatcher, being the curious leader that she was, decided to knock on the door of the bears' cottage to see what they were up to. When the bears opened the door, they were shocked to see Margaret Thatcher standing on their doorstep. "Why, Margaret Thatcher, what a surprise!" said the first bear. "What brings you to our humble cottage?" Margaret Thatcher smiled and explained that she was taking a walk through the forest and wanted to see what the three bears were up to. The bears invited her inside and offered her some porridge. Margaret Thatcher politely declined, not wanting to impose on their hospitality. "I must say, I am impressed by your cottage," said Margaret Thatcher. "It is very cozy and comfortable." The second bear smiled and replied, "Thank you, Margaret Thatcher. We believe in creating a space where everyone feels welcome and comfortable, regardless of their political beliefs." Margaret Thatcher nodded, but she couldn't help but feel a little out of place in the left-wing environment of the bears' cottage. She politely excused herself and continued on her walk, thinking about the different perspectives of the left-wing bears and her own conservative beliefs. In the end, Margaret Thatcher and the three bears never agreed on their political views, but they respected each other's opinions and continued to live and work together in the same forest, each striving to make their country a better place in their own way. User: Make them have an argument.