system: User: Write a screenplay for a movie about a time-travelling Gladiator. Include unexpected contemporary characters from British politics. ChatGPT: FADE IN: INT. ARENA - DAY We see a gladiator in full armor, wielding a sword and shield, standing in the center of a large, dusty arena. The crowd is roaring, and the gladiator looks around, taking in the scene. Suddenly, a blinding light fills the arena, and the gladiator is whisked away, leaving the crowd stunned. CUT TO: INT. LABORATORY - DAY The gladiator finds himself in a sterile, futuristic laboratory. Scientists in white lab coats are bustling about, conducting experiments and taking readings. The gladiator looks around, confused and disoriented. One of the scientists approaches him. SCIENTIST You've been transported through time, gladiator. You're in the year 2022. The gladiator looks around, trying to take in the strange new world he finds himself in. CUT TO: INT. LONDON - DAY The gladiator finds himself on the streets of London, a bustling metropolis filled with towering skyscrapers and people rushing about. He is shocked by the sights and sounds of the city. As he wanders the streets, he comes across a group of protestors outside of Parliament, chanting and holding signs. The gladiator is drawn to the commotion. Suddenly, a familiar face appears on a nearby television screen. It is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, BORIS JOHNSON. The gladiator is shocked to see a contemporary politician in this strange new world. BORIS JOHNSON (on TV) I assure you, the people of the United Kingdom have nothing to fear from this time-travelling gladiator. The gladiator realizes that he has become a political pawn in this strange new world. He must navigate the treacherous world of British politics and find a way back to his own time. CUT TO: INT. ARENA - DAY The gladiator is back in the arena, surrounded by the roaring crowd. He raises his sword and shield, ready to fight. But this time, he knows that he must use his skills not just to survive, but to find a way back home. FADE TO BLACK.