system: User: If I were to give you Python code that runs inside Blender 2.79, could you modify it say that it would run in 3.3.5 ? ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I can provide general guidance on how to update Python code from one version to another, but I cannot guarantee that the modified code will work as expected without testing it on the new version of Blender. Here are some general steps you can take to update your code from Blender 2.79 to 3.3.5: 1. Update the import statements: Some modules and functions might have been moved, renamed, or deprecated in the new version of Blender. Check the Blender API documentation to see if any of the modules or functions you're using have been affected and update your import statements accordingly. 2. Update the syntax: Python 3.x introduced several changes to the syntax of the language. For example, the print statement in Python 2.x was replaced with the print function in Python 3.x. Make sure to update any syntax that has changed. 3. Check for deprecated features: Some features might have been deprecated or removed from Blender 3.3.5. Check the release notes to see if any of the features you're using have been deprecated and update your code accordingly. 4. Test your code: Once you've made the necessary changes, test your code in Blender 3.3.5 to ensure it works as expected. Keep in mind that there may be additional changes required depending on the specific code you're working with. It's always a good idea to consult the Blender API documentation and release notes for any additional information that might be relevant to your specific situation.