Rhys Taylor's home page
Science, Art and Data Visualisation

Welcome !

I'm a Welsh astronomer working at the Astronomical Institute in Prague, Czech Republic. On this site you can explore my scientific interests and digital artwork. It's currently under reconstruction and the full art section will be restored soon. Meanwhile, you can still learn about :

Science : I'm a radio astronomer looking for dark galaxies. Here you can learn all about these and my other scientific interests – tidal encounters, ram pressure stripping, and source extraction. 

Research : My C.V. Learn all about my day job(s), if that's the kindof thing that interests you.

Data visualisation : All about turning data into pretty pictures and the overlap between art and science.

Code : Collection of the more useful mainly-Python codes I've written.

Art : Various Blender renders of mostly sci-fi spaceships like the Orion drive, also science illustrations like galaxy size comparisons and many others.

Writings : Links to my blogs, (anti)social media, and other projects I've done.

You can contact me directly using the form below, or find me at various places listed here.

You can find the older version of this website archived here, but there shouldn't be anything missing from this new incarnation of the site.